崇德俱樂部 OF THE
Zonta International 是一個由 63 個國家的 29,000 多名成員組成的組織,他們共同致力於
• 倡導平等、教育和結束童婚和基於性別的暴力
• 通過當地和國際教育和服務項目擴大婦女和女孩的機會。
ZONTA CLUB OF THE NEW TERRITORIES II (“ZCNTII”) 是 Zonta International 在香港成立的七間也是最年輕的憲章之一。
我們是一群來自各行各業的專業人士、企業家和冉冉升起的新星,為了共同的事業而聚在一起——通過賦予女性權力讓世界變得更美好,同時在一個和諧、合作和支持的社區中加強姐妹情誼和友誼。_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
總統致辭 2022-2024
I am humbled by the trust of the NTII’s past and current Board of Directors to have elected me to lead the Zonta Club of the New Territories II (“ZCNTII”) as its President for the biennium of 2022-2024. ZCNTII is a group of energetic and vibrant professional and high-achieving women, who come together to nest care and support for the needy, target gender equality at work, at home and in the wider community and strive, together, to serve others and build a collegial and supportive women community. As a post-pandemic President for a vibrant club, I set the goal of helping women who suffered by the pandemic to repair their loss, rebuild their confidence, and regain momentum in their lives. On our community service front, NTII will pave roads for young single mothers and victims of domestic violence to receive professional training for careers they have not imagined, and align job opportunities that build careers, independence and confidence, enabling them to live healthily and bravely. On advocacy, we will continue to clear gender stereotypes through campaigns, talks and social media whilst promoting equal opportunities for women at work and at home. On fellowship, with a diverse program of wellness activities that help to enhance our members’ mind, body and soul, we also strive to provide advance leadership and career development training, enabling them to break the glass ceiling and eliminating imposter syndrome. We will involve our families and children in our family programme so to build a legacy of community service with our next generation. I will do my best to give and to serve, while overcoming any challenges with the goal to build a strong support network that will continue to grow as we mature. As women, we live multiple roles, and as professionals, the numerous commitments on our shoulders that demand our attention can be overwhelming. Yet, I am confident that our humble contribution today can go a long way. By adding that one more role as a Zontian, we are not only servicing for those who need us, but also pledging to live our lives with deeper meaning, substance and legacy. I hope to have your support in building a much better world together.
2022 年 9 月 3 日
今年的中秋節將提前到來。 又一盒月餅?今年來點不一樣的東西怎麼樣——送一份禮物來學習如何將馬卡龍和月餅混合在一起,並通過新界崇德社II的服務項目為支持貧困婦女的慈善事業做出貢獻。
2022 年 8 月 27 日
與 Crossroads International 一起,來自 NTII 的 Zontian 及其家人和孩子正在參加一個名為“水挑戰”的模擬活動,以使第二代 Zontian 能夠了解發展中國家的兒童每天面臨的生活必需品,例如水。所有收益都將捐給 Crossroads International。